Should I call the office if my child will not be attending school?
Yes, a student's parent should explain the reason for an absence either by a written note, email, or phone call. Please notify the school office by 8:30 a.m. if your child will not be attending. If the school secretary does not hear from the family by 8:30 a.m. regarding an absence a phone call will be made to ensure the safety of the child(ren). If no contact is made the student will recieve an unexcused absence.
Do I need a note to pick up my child early from school?
If a students plans to be absent from school, a parent should get a message to the teacher and office. Students are to be checked out at the office by a guardian or another approved chaperone when leaving, and check back in when returning. We encourage the use of early release days for health appointments.
Do I have to sign in my student when they are late in the morning?
Students must sign in when entering the school late in the morning. The following information explains when your child will be counted absent or tardy for the day: Student attendance is recorded based on an entire day or 1/2 day.
Therefore it will be calculated as follows:
- Students arriving to class from 8:00-8:30 am will be counted tardy.
- Students arriving to class after 8:30 am will be counted absent for 1/2 day.
- Students leaving school prior to 3:00 pm will be counted absent for 1/2 day.
- Early Release days count as full day, therefore if a student is absent on an early release day it counts as a full day absence.
If we live outside the Gallatin Gateway School District, can my child still attend Gallatin Gateway School?
Gallatin Gateway accepts out-of-district students who meet the criteria of school policy #3025. Gallatin Gateway has limited openings remaining for out-of-district enrollment. Please contact the superintendent for current classroom openings.
How to enroll as an out-of-district family:
How to enroll as an out-of-district family:
- Please call 763-4415 ext. 10 to leave a message for our office staff with your request, including your mailing address or you may email Ms. Clark at eclark@gallatingatewayschool.com.
- Our staff will contact you for an interview about attending as an out-of-district family.
Before School/After School
How early can I drop off my child at school?
You can drop your child off to at 7:30 a.m for breakfast. The playground is open before school at 7:40.
Is there an after-school program?
Yes, Gallatin Gateway School in partnership with GVYMCA does provide an after-school program. Monday through Friday students may go to the cafeteria to complete homework assignments, read, or practice spelling word, along with fun activities and a snack. See the Later Gators After School Program to register.
What are the hours of the learning lab?
The learning lab is open from 3:23 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. This lab is available to all students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grades.
School Nurse
How do I make an appointment for my child to see the school nurse?
To see the school nurse make an appointment can by calling the office 763-4415.
Can my child take medication in school?
Yes, however, a student must have a physician's order, as well as, written authorization of a parent or guardian to receive medication at school. The medication must be stored in its original container and held by the school in a securely locked storage compartment. Please refer to the student handbook for more information and the "Permission for Medication to be Given" form can be downloaded on our website.
When would the school nurse recommend me keeping my child home from school?
If your child has one of the following symptoms, they should definitely be kept home. If your student is not feeling well or is experiencing any symptoms of illness, please keep them home and notify the office. Illness presents different in everyone please keep your children home if they are sick and notify the office:
Sore Throat
Runny Nose
Body Aches
Loss of Taste of Smell
Children should be without fever for 24 hours before they return to school. (Exception: Children with fevers from vaccinations need not be excluded if they are able to participate in the daily activities.)
Children with VOMITTING OR DIARRHEA* should be excluded until these symptoms subside for 24 hours. (*Diarrhea is loose, watery stools, more than 3 times in 24 hours)
Children with the following BACTERIAL INFECTIONS should be excluded until they have been treated with antibiotics for 24 hours:
Strep throat
Bacterial conjunctivitis (red eyes with colored, pus-like drainage). [Children with viral conjunctivitis should be excluded until eyes are no longer red and/or draining.]
Other skin infection (draining burns, sores that can't be covered)
Other skin infection (draining burns, sores that can't be covered)
Children with GENERALIZED RASHES (over multiple parts of the body) should stay home from school until they have been seen and diagnosed by their health care provider as non-infectious.
Children with CHICKEN POX should stay home until their sores dry up. (usually 5-7 days)
Children with HEAD LICE should stay home until they have been treated and ALL NITS have been removed.
Children with SCABIES should stay home until 24 hours after treatment.
Children with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) need not be excluded unless they are ill enough to require more care than usual.
If your child has one of the following conditions, they may warrant exclusion from school:
A child who is ill with any symptoms and is unable to participate in the usual school activities.
A child who has thick green or yellow nasal discharge persisting longer than three days, if accompanied by any of the following symptoms: fever, persistent cough, eye drainage, or ear pain. You should have your health care provider evaluate your child and follow his or her advice about your child's return to school.
A child who is identified during a Health Department investigation who may be at risk for a communicable disease.
A child who is identified during a Health Department investigation who may be at risk for a communicable disease.
What is the enrollment at Gallatin Gateway School this year?
Our current enrollment is 128
Do I need to fill out enrollment for every year my child attends Gallatin Gateway School?
Yes, enrollment forms provide essential information for the office staff and teachers in the case of an emergency. We ask that the parents also provide updates to the office when information becomes outdated by using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Food Service
How do I pay for my child's lunch/snack milks?
All meal accounts are prepaid. The school office accepts cash, check, and credit cards.
Students and staff can eat meals for the following prices:
Students and staff can eat meals for the following prices:
Milk: $0.50
Student Breakfast: $2.25
Adult Breakfast: $2.28
Student Lunch $3.90
Adult Lunch: $4.68
Student Lunch $3.90
Adult Lunch: $4.68
Is there a free and reduced lunch program at Gallatin Gateway School?
Yes, we encourage all families to apply. Applications are available in the office and all information provided to the school is confidential. Free and reduced lunch can be used all year long, or month-to-month depending on your families needs. Many grants we apply for are awarded to schools based on the number of families that qualify for our breakfast/lunch program. Please remember that families that qualify don't necessarily have to participate in the program for the school to earn credit toward the grant.
Can I eat lunch with my child?
Yes, Please call to make your lunch reservation by 8:30 am for the kitchen to adjust lunch counts.
Does my child eat lunch on early release days?
Yes, all children in grades K-8 will be provided lunch on early release days.
Early Release
What time is my child done with school on early release days?
On the early release days, students will be released beginning at 12:30 pm.
Does my child eat lunch on early release days?
Yes, all children in grades K-8 will be provided lunch on early release days.
Is there a way to find out my child's grades without contacting the teacher?
Yes, there is a way to find out your child's grades by checking Infinite Campus online. If you need help registering as a user please contact the school office.
How do I volunteer in my child's classroom?
Please talk to the classroom teacher about your interest in volunteering. You may also e-mail the superintendent, super@gallatingatewayschool.com. Before you begin your volunteer service a volunteer handbook must be read, filled out, and turned in to the office as well as obtaining a fingerprint background check.